Many residents are returning to Kale Town, Sagaing Region, and the increasing number of displaced people(IDPs) in Kale Town from various regions has made finding rental housing difficult, according to residents.
Due to the junta’s frequent attacks on villages in Kale Township using heavy weapons, the IDP population in Kale Town has increased. Many villagers in Kale township have fled to the Kale town, which they believe to be safer. The displaced people include many villagers from Kale Township as well as individuals from the Chin Hills.

A Kale resident said to Chin World media: “In some villages, even when there is no fighting, they still endure constant shelling and attacks with heavy weapons by the junta. As a result, many people are seeking rental housing in the town, which they believe to be safer. The number of IDPs who fled from the Chin Hills has also increased. House rental prices have also increased. Outskirts houses that used to rent for 100,000 kyats(MMK) a month are now renting for 150,000 kyats(MMK). Some people are struggling to find rental housing due to the very limited number of available options.”
Due to regional instability, most of Kale town’s population fled to the Indian border or sought refuge in cities like Yangon during the early period. As a result, the town’s population had decreased. However, now the town’s population has seen an increase with displaced people from other regions, and it has begun to return to its previous level of activity, according to residents.
Another Kale Town resident said: “Fleeing and taking shelter elsewhere is not easy in current times. Even if you manage to flee to India, the cost quickly adds up to forty to fifty million kyats(MMK) within a few months. Because of this, most of those who left the town have returned.”
Due to the expected intensification of military operations in and around Kale Town, the Kale District People’s Defense Force issued an evacuation warning on 26 February. As a result, many residents from Kale Township were forced to flee the area.